ISTOCK November starts with a bang - or with hundreds of them - fireworks and bangers going off every night. Spiritually, too, it starts big, with a triduum – three days dedicated to remembrance of those who have died: the eve of All Hallows, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day. Commemorating the dead continues this week with another All Saints Day. Today we celebrate all the Irish Saints, both those recognised by the Church and those who are not yet, or may never be, canonised. For Dominicans, another triduum begins tomorrow as we commemorate all the Saints of the Order of Preachers and all our deceased Dominican Sisters and Brothers. November is the month of the dead, of the holy souls, of the saints. If November starts well, we don’t always persevere in our remembrance of the dead, despite our good intentions. Even before Halloween, the shops begin to fill with all things Christmas. The commercial world would have us quickly move on from the supposed darkness of the dead. We coul...