
Showing posts from November, 2020

Convents are no different! Or are they? A poem-prayer for my sister ... and for me ... and for all who doubt

a poem-prayer for my sister ... and for me ... and for all who doubt Convents are no different! Or are they? Any situation where human beings come to live or work together involves rules and conventions, often informal and unwritten, that somehow make the act of being together work to a greater or lesser extent. Think of those places familiar to you: communal rooms in your apartment or house shared with friends or family, a staff room, the office kitchen, university library, the factory floor, public bathrooms, doctors’ waiting rooms, public transport. Even lifts and escalators have unwritten codes of etiquette. Have you ever dared to face the ‘wrong way’ in a lift? Now, think of those instances where these informal conventions are broken.  I’m minded of those online threads filled with photos of passive aggressive post-it notes.  These are amusing because they resonate with our experience of negotiating those spaces we share with other people and the repercussions that can ar...